Mouth problems in the infant due to a frenulum of the tongue or lips

A frenulum of the tongue or lip can limit the function of the mouth for the whole life. Therefore, we provide targeted treatment options with the CO² laser for infants, children and adults.

Step 1: Consultation

After the recommended pre-treatment, the patient is referred to the doctor. Then during the doctor’s visit, the previous approach to feeding is clarified with the parents. If separation is necessary, the procedure will be explained and the risks and aftercare will be discussed. Afterwards, the results of the examination are discussed with the parents and the therapy recommendations are explained.

Step 2: Treatment

The attending physician will perform the examination of the oral cavity to check the functions of the frenulum of the tongue, cheek and lip. To prevent and soothe pain at the procedure site, infants are given an anesthetic with gel, young children are given a carefully injected anesthetic fluid, or anesthesia if necessary. The tongue tie center separates gently, safely and with little pain using the super-pulsed CO2 laser.

Step 3: Exercises

Active wound management is performed consistently every 4-6 hours for 4 weeks and managed online by the Tongue Tape Center. Preparation, monitoring and aftercare by specialized professionals are expressly recommended to enable an optimal treatment result. Active wound management is demonstrated and practiced with parents.

Mouth problems in the child due to a frenulum of the tongue or lips

A frenulum of the tongue or lip may limit the function of the mouth. Therefore, we provide a novel treatment method for children and adolescents with the CO²Laser. If desired, make an appointment for your child to come to our office for a consultation and presentation.

Step 1: Comprehensive consulting

During the doctor’s visit, the previous approach to feeding is clarified with the parents. The attending physician will then, in consultation, perform the examination of the oral cavity and check the functions of the child’s tongue or lip frenulum.

Step 2: Treatment

Prior to treatment, the child’s health history is carefully reviewed and discussed. To prevent and calm pain at the procedure site, young children are given a carefully injected anesthetic ointment or, if desired, anesthesia.

Step 3: Exercises

It is strongly recommended that the patient be supervised by specialists in order to permanently coordinate the interaction of the tongue and/or lips with the associated tendons and muscles, to learn the tongue function and to achieve the normal tongue rest position.

Mouth problems in adults due to a frenulum of the tongue or lips?

A frenulum of the tongue or lip can also limit oral function in adults. Therefore, we provide targeted treatment options for patients with the novel CO² laser. Make an appointment today for a consultation and presentation in our practice.

Step 1: Comprehensive consulting

If a tongue or lip tie is limiting your oral function and has not yet been treated as usual in childhood, please feel free to make an appointment with us for consultation and/or treatment in our office.

2 Step: Treatment

If treatment is appropriate, we will first discuss the general health situation with you and explain the specific procedure. Depending on the age and desire, general anesthesia and local anesthesia by injection is then induced and the frenulum or frenulum of the tongue is operated.

Step 3: Exercises

In order to achieve an optimal final result, after the frenotomy we recommend exercises for an interaction of the lingual and/or labial frenulum and surrounding muscles and tendons. In addition to these exercises, OMFT, a myofunctional therapy, has a supportive effect.

“Tongue tie separation according to international standard with CO2 laser in multidisciplinary concept”.

Short treatment time (ZB 2-3 sec. LB 5-6 sec.)

Low temperature of 90 degrees in the tissue

“Welds” nerve endings and vessels

No or very low risk of postoperative bleeding

Wound surface is disinfected, sealed and painless

Freedom from pain after separation for 3-4 hours

Sealed wound surface facilitates "stretching

Reattachment risk reduced

Reduced myofibroblasts and scarring

Hygiene advantage non-contact

Precision of 0.1mm

Minimally invasive as it removes cell layer by cell layer